Interview Date: August 4, 1988
Interview Location: Morton Grove Historical Museum, Haupt-Yehl House
Interviewer: Yvonne Ryden
Duration: 38 minutes
Helen Paroubek comes from two of the oldest families in the area, the Paroubeks of Niles Center (Skokie) and the Haupts of Morton Grove. In this interview Helen talks about her happy childhood. Although her father died when she was an infant, aunts, uncles and cousins living nearby filled her life with love. But, most of all, her mother supported her emotionally and financially.
Sophie Haupt Paroubek was truly a modern independent woman. Though widowed she managed by sewing for others, canning her garden produce and most interesting of all, running Morton Grove’s first telephone exchange. Helen continued the pattern as a career woman, working until she was seventy-five years old.