YA Book Picks

Complete the YA Book Picks form below with your reading preferences to receive a customized list of suggested Young Adult books from our librarians within 5 business days.


1. List a few books or authors you have enjoyed, and why. What did you like about them? (Characters, setting, plot, etc.)
2. List a few books or authors you didn’t like, and why:
3. What are you in the mood for? Pick as many as you like:

(true facts written in story form)
(lists and facts)
4. What are you NOT in the mood for? Pick as many as you like:

(true facts written in story form)
(lists and facts)
5. If you selected Nonfiction (narrative or informational), what subjects would you like to read about?
6. Are there any topics you want to stay away from or trigger warnings we should be aware of?
We will try our best to stay away from those topics.
7. What kind of books are you interested in?
Check this box if you want a wild card recommendation—a book of any genre that a librarian has read and enjoyed.
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