Stories, songs, activities, and more that are perfect for the school-ready child.
Ages 3-5 with a parent/caregiver
All participants should be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Stories, songs, activities, and more that are perfect for the school-ready child.
Ages 3-5 with a parent/caregiver
All participants should be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Come to an evening of zany math games in the Activity Room! Games are of various skill levels to provide mathematical fun for the whole family.
All Ages
Due to the room capacity, attendance at drop-in programs is limited to 50 participants.
Discover the array of forest preserve offerings including indoor pavilions, campgrounds, nature centers, programs, special events, hidden gems, and more! Presented by Tim Mondl from the Forest Preserves of Cook County.
The Board of Trustees meets on the second Thursday of each month. The public is welcome to attend the meetings. Learn more about the Board of Trustees.